Stylage Hydro 1ml
Stylage Hydro 1ml
Why is it worth buy Stylage Hydro 1ml online at Real Aesthetic Supplies?
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Unfortunately, with age, the skin loses its ability for fast restoration. The level of hyaluronic acid in the tissues decreases, the speed of collagen production slows down. The skin becomes dull, dehydrated, and saggy. In order to help the skin renew its fresh and young appearance, dermal fillers are the best solutions, where Stylage Hydro is one of the leading remedies.
Basic Properties
The product from Vivacy manufacturer contains hyaluronic acid as its main component, which helps to restore and revitalize the skin tissues. The molecules of HA are cross-linked IPN-Like + Sorbitol, which is a sterile biodegradable moisturizer. Therefore, this product remarkably retains moisture in the skin, greatly counteracting dryness and dehydration. As a result of using Stylage filler, we get healthy, attractive, and deeply moisturized skin.
Areas of Application
Designed for effective mesotherapy, the filler gives the necessary level of skin hydration, gloss, smoothness, and elasticity in the areas of:
- face
- neck
- décolleté
- hands
Features of the Procedure
For an effective result, the doctor or cosmetologist will have to do small injections inside the superficial or deep layer of the dermis. It depends upon the area of the injection and the initial condition of the skin.
The initial treatment would demand two series of injections with a break of 1 month, and one more injection within the following few months.
How Long does It Last?
As this filler is based on hyaluronic acid, a substance, which is gradually metabolized by the organism, it does not provide a constant result. If the patient prefers to preserve the obtained result, he or she would need to undergo the procedure every few months. Fortunately, a quiet affordable Stylage filler price allows the people to maintain the skin on their faces, necks, and hands in perfect condition.
Cosmetic fillers, Dermal fillers, Aesthetic equipment, Professional skincare, Cosmetic injections, Anti-wrinkle treatments, Aesthetic medical devices, Beauty enhancement products, Cosmetic treatment supplies, Aesthetic supplies.