Azzalure 125iu x 2 Vials


Azzalure Botulinum is used to treat deep frown lines that appear vertically between the eyebrows. The medicine can improve appearance by improving the overall facial expression and making the individual look less unhappy and more inviting to approach. The positive effects of Azzalure can have a psychological effect on the individual making them more confident with their appearance.



What is Azzalure Botulinum?

Azzalure Botulinum is used to treat deep frown lines that appear vertically between the eyebrows. The medicine can improve appearance by improving the overall facial expression and making the individual look less unhappy and more inviting to approach. The positive effects of Azzalure can have a psychological effect on the individual making them more confident with their appearance.

How does Azzalure Botulinum work in the body? – AZZALURE PRICE UK

An active ingredient called botulinum toxin type A, is derived from Clostridium botulinum, a type of bacteria. The toxins role is to stop nerves from carrying out their normal function. By preventing the release of significant chemicals, muscle contraction is also inhibited. The positive effect is to make muscles between the eyebrows relaxed, diminishing the appearance of vertical frown lines. The effect is only temporary and further treatments can be given every three months.

When will results first start to be visible?

Results will first start to be visible after 3 days.

How long will the result last?

The effect can last for up to four months.

The following individuals can use Azzalure