Even her doctor assumed she was 20 years younger.

They want you to spend hundreds of dollars every month on cosmetic products. But this one active ingredient is all you need.












This one product fights wrinkles, age spots and crow’s feet and can do much more…

Dear readers, in this article we reveal the truth about skin care that leading dermatologists have been preaching for years…

We all agree: skin care shouldn’t be complicated!

Thanks to advances in modern science, it is now possible to achieve lasting results without having to resort to overly expensive and complicated multi-step skin care routines.

German company Bionera has developed a unique 1-step skin care formula for women over 45 that delivers lasting results. The secret is a patented moss concentrate that is extracted from free-growing Swiss mountain moss. In Germany, this skin care cream is now one of the most popular natural skin care products for middle-aged women alongside brands such as LAMER (ORP: €375.00). But for a fraction of the price.

6 reasons why women over 45 love Moss Elixir

  • It replaces all other skin care products

The Moss Elixir is a wrinkle cream, neck cream, eye cream, anti-age spot cream and moisturizer in one. It provides firm, firm and youthful skin, making virtually every other skincare product in your cupboard obsolete. It reduces your skin care routine to ONE simple step.

  • It reduces age spots

Age spots are areas of hyperpigmentation that appear as dark spots on your face, arms and hands. The moss extract in Moss Elixir helps reduce the visibility of these unsightly stains.

  • It promotes the formation and division of young skin cells

As we age, our body loses the ability to produce young skin cells, causing the skin to thin and wrinkles to become more noticeable.

Every week we receive countless rave reviews from women who are thrilled with how much smoother their face looks and the first thing they notice is a significant reduction in fine lines around the eyes.

  • Results after just a few weeks

You will see clear results within the first few days of use. Since you will be looking at yourself in the mirror often, we recommend taking a “before” photo to make it easier to track your results.

As we said, this is not a conventional skincare product.

  • It makes you shine and tightens the skin

One of the first findings from women who try the moss elixir is that it gives the complexion a healthy glow. You will notice this from the first use!

You will notice that your cheeks and the sagging skin around your neck look visibly firmer.

  • It costs only a fraction of the price of other natural cosmetic concentrates

Unlike other brands that rely on concentrates made from natural plants, Bionera facial cream is also suitable for those on a budget.

Bionera’s moss elixir is currently available for less than ⅕ the price and even performs better in a direct comparison. (To the test)

What makes the moss elixir so popular and why it sold out within 2 days? (several times)

Our goal was to create an all-in-one product that can replace an entire cabinet full of skin creams, lotions and serums.

The secret behind the unique effect of the moss elixir is nothing other than the implementation of the latest scientific findings.

Moss is an extremely resilient and natural tissue that dates back to prehistoric times. It survived ice ages and defied the sun. Equipped with a purely biological resistance, so to speak.

Research results from the universities of Friborg and Zurich show that pure and naturally obtained moss actually stimulates the formation and division of young skin cells. And above all, it protects the skin from the outside. (To the research results)

It took about 2 years to perfect the extraction process to get the maximum effect from the moss extract, but when they finally did it, as they say, the rest is history.

In a patented production process, the rare active ingredient is extracted as a concentrate from free-growing Swiss mountain moss. The reason for the extremely positive results is the principle of the vitality of the moss cell nuclei, also known as the “moss effect” among experts. This has a positive effect on the skin’s reproductive capacity and can therefore reduce wrinkles in the long term.

Although the cream was only launched last year, there are already thousands of satisfied customers. The cream has experienced a real hype in Germany and the moss extract has been recognized by various institutes.

When will I see noticeable results?

Since Bionora’s founding in 2023, more than 100,000 women have simplified their skincare routine with Moss Elixir.

You will see results within just a few days.

Since you will be looking at yourself in the mirror often, we recommend taking a “before” photo so you can better monitor your results.

Mos-Elixier self-test (what a surprise)

I thought to myself, if this doesn’t work, then nothing else will work….

So I immediately rubbed it under my eyes. The texture was pleasant and it absorbed quickly into my skin.

It wasn’t too “greasy” like some creams, which I loved.

When I woke up the next morning, I didn’t really expect to see a difference.

That was a good thing, because I saw nothing.

After all, nothing works after just one day. I wouldn’t be surprised if it took weeks before I saw a difference (if I saw a difference at all).

But this is where it gets good. Because believe it or not, it did NOT take weeks.

It didn’t even last a week. The day after I woke up after using the cream, I noticed that my eyes looked MUCH less tired.

Fewer dark circles and overall I looked smoother.

It wasn’t an earth-shattering change, as I still had bags under my eyes and wrinkles, but I did see a difference. Something I hadn’t seen in a long time.

And that was after THREE days!

That’s when I really started to get excited. For the first time in years I felt hope again.

Because if it only took three days to see an initial change, what might happen after a week or two?

I’ll tell you what happened.

My bags under my eyes disappeared. The wrinkles under my eyes were almost invisible.

I really couldn’t believe it. It felt like someone had turned back the clock a few years.


“Because it really makes me look twenty years younger and a lot less grumpy.

My family and friends have noticed it too. At first they thought I finally had a good night’s sleep…

Which of course had nothing to do with it.

But the fact that no one told me how tired I looked anymore was reward enough.
Every time I looked in the mirror I couldn’t help but smile. It was like looking through a time machine.

I know it sounds like a fairytale. I still don’t really believe it myself.

But right now, as I write this, I still use this cream on my eyes and face every day.

Because not only has it made my eyes look better, it has completely rejuvenated my entire face.

Two small dark spots on my cheeks have disappeared…

A deep wrinkle on my forehead is MUCH less noticeable…”.

The question of course is whether it works for everyone. To be honest, I can’t say that with 100% certainty.

But if you have been struggling with unsightly bags and wrinkles under your eyes for a long time and NOTHING else has helped so far, then I highly recommend that you try the moss elixir.

So do yourself a favor and try it out for yourself. Even if you are full of skepticism about whether it will actually work.

You have no idea how much positive change something so small and simple can bring to your life.

Where is the Bionera MossElixir™ facial cream available in the United Kingdom?

Last year, the Berlin-based company Naturida GmbH launched the newly developed moss cream under the brand name “Bionera” in Germany. The new cream has now also been available in Belgium and the Netherlands for several weeks. It’s now available in our pharmacy here in UK

How much longer are you willing to settle for overpriced and ineffective skin care products?

Moss Elixir gives you real, natural and safe ingredients that are clinically proven to fade age spots, reduce wrinkles and brighten skin… without the use of harmful chemicals.

According to the Consumers’ Association, national legislation does NOT require full transparency in the labeling of imported skin care products.

This allows cosmetic companies to have their products produced cheaply overseas and use “hidden ingredients” in their formulas that are potentially dangerous to your skin and body.

The products you put on your skin that are considered “safe” can accelerate the aging process and potentially DAMAGE your skin.

The Moss Elixir is produced under the highest quality standards in Germany and the moss extract used has won several awards worldwide.

Buy Bionera products now at our Pharmacy

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